Detail Banner

Listing detail includes special area for basic information about the listing. It is located at the top between “Top Fullwidth” and “Top” widget area.

Custom Image

If you want another image in banner choose option “Custom Image” and upload or choose image.


To set background video choose “Video” and upload video in .mp4 format. You can decide to play your video once or loop it.

Google Map

If you choose “Google Map” it is necessary to set position on map in another section “Location”. The background map displays in Satellite mode and is centered to position, which you’ll set for listing.


“Zoom” value has to be an integer from 0 (the lowest zoom level, in which the entire world can be seen on one map) to 21+ (down to streets and individual building).


At some locations you can see special “45-degree-angle view” with zoom 17+.

Google Street View

If you want to set position and location of Google Street View go to section “Location” and enable “Google Street View”.

Google Inside View

If you want to set position and location of Google Inside View go to section “Location” and enable “Google Inside View”.